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Bitcoin wallet used by DarkSide for Ransom Payments

Bitcoin wallet used by DarkSide for Ransom Payments

Since becoming active, the wallet has received bitcoin transactions totaling $17.5 mln. As stated by Elliptic, the wallet utilized by the DarkSide group to receive BTC payments has been identified, citing intelligence collection and analysis of transfers.

By identifying this wallet, Elliptic’s clients, including financial institutions, crypto exchanges, and fintech will now be alerted to any client deposits that originate from the DarkSide wallet. By using our transaction and wallet screening tools they can ensure that DarkSide and other ransomware operators cannot cash out or exchange their Bitcoin proceeds, disincentivizing this activity.

Elliptic’s law enforcement clients can also use our software to trace these funds and seek to identify those responsible for these fraudulent schemes.

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