Velsys Ltd provides banks and their clients with systems and solutions for Forex Electronic Trading.
Velsys supports the promotion of complicated and complete E-Trading surroundings with internationally recognized software development and integration experience.
Web-based delivery with single-window access to combined end-to-end trading results that deliver banks, trading platforms, brokers, and their clients with E-Trading creation and effectiveness.
The company approaches their customers in a relationship position. They’re handling forcefully to decide their particular trading and customer approaches so that they can deliver results that significantly enhance their competitive advantage.
The company’s software is built on Java / J2EE and uses the FIX standard for interoperability.
Key Services
With offices located across the globe, they serve all the financial markets 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. All of their services run via the web and web apps, no special software or hardware required when using products. They use only the top From customer support issues to implementation or consultation services, the team has you covered with amazing support services.
Clients: World class universal and regional banking organizations
Support: 24/7