TradeBlock is one of the oldest established providers of digital currency business trading tools, databases and indexes. Businesses evaluate and distribute functional core rates of digital currencies used to price myriad OTC transactions, AUMs, and derivatives.
TradeBlock’s Professional Platform is an organized permanent OMS / EMS for exchanges and OTC transactions that provides front, middle and back office capabilities for digital currency investors, traders and business participants.
Key Services
The world’s leading tool set for institutional bitcoin traders, featuring market analytics, blockchain insights, order management, trade execution, team communication, and compliance automation. A robust bitcoin index, uniquely designed to prevent manipulation, serving as the reference rate for tens of millions of dollars of registered derivative products. Consolidated API’s, historical trade and order book data, advanced indexes, and customizable algorithms. The combination of world-class data tools and leading analysts, offering insight on trading markets as well as blockchain networks, available as reports or custom products.
Clients: Institutional clients
Partners: Andreessen Horowitz, Y Combinator, FinTech Collective, F-Prime Capital, HARD YAKA, Data Collective, Digital Currency Group, Chris Fischer, Alex Morcos
Support: Business hours