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Coinmetro is a fintech company that works with regulators in numerous countries to help develop jurisdiction regulatory structures within the crypto trading industry.

The company offers its clients an intuitive gateway and helps beginners in the crypto trading world to get involved with the industry with ease and finesse saw, among other similar companies.

Coinmetro has experts in all the relevant fields, starting from retail trading and IT to lawful sectors providing a favorable platform that the company actively builds upon. Coinmetro has an astounding grasp on the field that they work in; therefore, regulatory compliance is the main aspect that the company takes into account when deciding on business actions.

Coinmetro combines the benefits of a cryptocurrency exchange platform, a traditional trading platform, and an ICO platform to produce one of the best user-focused platforms.

Key Services



Why Coinmetro

Coinmetro offers among the best beginner-friendly trading platforms that offer its clients crypto exchange at a low trading fee. Besides user-friendliness, Coinmetro has one of the fastest crypto purchase systems that allows you to buy digital currency with the use of your debit card alone without needing to transfer your funds to their platform.

Why Coinmetro

As well as that, their trading platform has automated trading integrated into it, but it’s somewhat different from all the other trading platforms as instead of making your own trading system, it offers you the copy trading system, an ability to follow a professional trader’s coinmetro exchange. This feature alone raises the beginner-friendliness aspect through the roof since it’s much easier to start off by imitating another trader’s actions than to blindly make your own business decisions.

Coinmetro trading fees

Trading fees lie at the core of many cryptocurrency exchanges and trading platforms as a whole. The fee is usually a percentage of the order itself, and it’s divided into “taker” fees and “maker” fees.

Coinmetro trading fees


Coinmetro charges takers with an astoundingly low fee percentage of around 0.1%, while the debated industry standard is around 0.25%. However, there is an even more surprising fact about coinmetro trading fees. The surprise lies in the absence of a maker fee, meaning that the makers only need to pay for the order itself without any percentages thrown on top.

These two factors make it immensely profitable to make crypto exchanges on coinmetro your primary choice when trading. With the use of all these features, a beginner trader can achieve the next moon shot with ease.

Withdrawal Fee

Withdrawal Fee

Coinmetro charges a 0.15% fee when you withdraw money from your coinmetro account. A withdrawal fee model is unusual, but it’s not unheard of. The fee is fixed most of the time regardless of the amount you withdraw, making it fairly inconsequential when withdrawing small amounts from your account.

Coinmetro Exchange Security

Captcha protection and two-factor authentication are among the best and most secure ways to reassure your user of a transaction. Thankfully, Coinmetro has it all and even modifies the usual short message service-based authentication to a time-based one-time password algorithm-based system, which is arguably even more secure.

Coinmetro Exchange Security


Moreover, Coinmetro is an active supporter of crypto regulations. The service is EU licensed and works with many regulators within the USA and Australia. This means that if you’re a resident of the USA, Australia, or any country within the European Union, your actions on the platform will be seen as legal, and your funds and person will be ensured safety.

Coinmetro also has obtained the Estonian Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) license to offer its services while being regulated by Estonia’s monetary administration.


Worldwide Renown

Coinmetro is trusted by clients from more than a hundred different countries. When a company unifies so many people from so many different cultures under one umbrella, it speaks volumes of how great the service they provide is.

Worldwide Renown

Client Reviews

Coinmetro listens to its users closely, making sure that the services they provide are one of the best the industry can provide.

Client Reviews


Moreover, the reviews are being posted on their official website in real-time, allowing newcomers to reassure themselves about the services Coinemtro offers before signing up.

Coinmetro Offers

Asset Availability

Asset Availability


Coinmetro provides various cryptocurrency assets beginning from bitcoin to Coinmetro’s very own cryptocurrency. Availability of assets should be the main feature a potential customer takes into account, and we’re proud to say that Coinmetro provides its users with a sizable list of assets that they can invest in.

Market Data

Market Data


With as many assets as Coinmetro provides, it is natural that they would provide crypto asset data on assets they provide. Coinemtro boasts accurate and easily digestible real-time market data.

A Platform Build to Last

Coinmetro platform comes with integrated dynamic liquidity programming that grows in volume each and every day while keeping trading fees to a minimum.

The way they build their interface and code makes it easy to introduce new features gradually as the development team works tirelessly to bring you the best aspects the industry can provide.

The presence of all these factors supports the longevity of the platform and the project it supports.

A Platform Build to Last


Invest in Digital Currency Projects

Coinmetro lets you invest in various projects it supports and even in a project that the company itself pioneered. The list of projects goes as follows:

MD Agency share

MD Agency share


This project aims at creating a better future for the crypto space as a whole by making it more accessible, efficient and transparent and raising money for its investors in the process.

Ignum share

Ignum share


Ignum is a soon-to-be marketing and investment platform for small to medium-sized companies. In the future, they hope to see their clients become part of their favorite brands.

Backify OU

Backify OU is one of a kind cashback site based in Europe that aims to be the first cashback system to include crypto exchange in addition to multiple fiat currency deposits.

Backify OU


Their services are planned to first roll out in the USA, UK and Sweden. They already have connections with established third parties and are soon going to start reaching out to household brands.

Encrypgen Bond

This project is intriguing, to say the least. It aims to make your own genetic data a digital currency you can exchange! It privately stores users’ genetic data with blockchain and then gives them the ability to sell their de-identified data directly to researchers in exchange for DNA, Encrypgen’s very own cryptocurrency.

Encrypgen Bond


There are no fees or costs associated with uploading your data to the platform, and you can gain their cryptocurrency by selling your genetic data or by buying DNA straight from Encrypgen.

Tangible’s Basecamp Bond

Tangible’s Basecamp Bond offers Coinmetro users a unique opportunity to invest in Japan’s prime winter holiday destination. The project aims to fulfil many traders’ desire to make a change in the world and to own something substantial. By investing in Tangible’s Basecamp Bond, you get a rare opportunity to own a part of a winter resort in Niseko, Japan.

This might feel a bit out of the cryptocurrency sphere and might scare some Coinmetro users, but in actuality, it’s quite similar! You’re still investing in projects and buying assets, but the only thing different is that this “asset” is a physical place located somewhere on the globe.

CoinMetro Bond

CoinMetro Bond


Investing in Coinmetro’s very own project guarantees you an annual interest of 8-12% over a term of two years. The interest percentage is determined by what XCM Rebates Tier you contribute to.

Margin Trading

Margin Trading


With this seamlessly integrated feature, you can increase your success rate tremendously and up your trading game with 5x leverage. This feature is constructed by and for professional traders in the margin trading field, assuring its users that they will get the best deals that a veteran trader would jump at the first opportunity they get.

Coinmetro app

Coinmetro app


The company also offers a simplified yet practical mobile app making it possible to trade and make business decisions any time you can. The simplified platform doesn’t take away from the usefulness of the features provided, as it still provides accurate real-time market data and investment in all the same digital assets that the platform normally offers.

Coinmetro telegram group

Coinmetro hosts a telegram group where beginners and professional traders alike can keep up with company news and exchange useful information. Their telegram group is the best place to make acquaintances with experienced traders in the field.

Coinmetro telegram group


The group hosts over eight thousand members, and many of them are happy to share their knowledge and help beginners get started with crypto trading!

Project Support

If you have an innovative crypto project in mind, Coinmetro is here to help you. On their website, you can file a form to have your very own project posted on their website and supported by interested users.

Whether you are looking to raise money through bonds or equity tokens, Coinmetro has you covered!



The lowest fees in the industry, including low withdrawal fees, a trading platform built to last with an abundance of features, Dynamic liquidity that grows volumes each and every day, Built by experts in the field for beginners and pros alike, Seamless trade management tools, Monitor and manage your portfolio anywhere and anytime, Swap between crypto & fiat in a few clicks, Fiat deposits & withdrawals in AUD, EUR, GBP and USD, Instant ACH, Instant SEPA, A seamlessly integrated centralized exchange system, Faster Payments, and SWIFT, Copy trading of professional traders, Multiple collateral options including fiat & crypto, Aligned incentives, traders only paid when you see profit, Telegram app, Mobile phone app.

Clients: Institutional clients

Support: 24/7


Kevin Murcko Founder & CEO at CoinMetro
Kevin Murcko
Founder & CEO at CoinMetro
Paul Democritou CMO at CoinMetro
Paul Democritou
CMO at CoinMetro
Nazhmudin Mikson Accountant & controller at CoinMetro
Nazhmudin Mikson
Accountant & controller at CoinMetro
Jack Seaman General Counsel at CoinMetro
Jack Seaman
General Counsel at CoinMetro